Unity下的版本,设计是游戏内嵌 一个下载器 下载 游戏 方便游戏强更
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using System.Net; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; using System; using System.Net.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Reflection; namespace Patches2 { //just android suport IOS直接跳转app-store 即可 //用于游戏内置的下载器 下载 public class MAX_VERSION { public string Version = ""; public string MD5 = ""; public int FileSize = 5000;//这个file size 只是给玩家看的 实际下载 不用到该变量 public string Url = ""; public string RollBackUrl = "";//下载回滚页面 比如下载fatal error 会直接opel url //this data is legal or illegal public bool IsLegal() { if (Version != null && MD5 != null && FileSize > 0 && Url != null) { if (Version.Length >= 5 && MD5.Length > 0 && Url.Length > 5) { return true; } } return false; } } //安装包下载器 支持断点续传 支持游戏内置 下载 下载完成后 调用native api进行安装 //其实只需要android 平台即可 IOS直接跳转 app-store public class InstallerDownloader { //下载的 apk 存放名字 public const string ApkName = "hcr.apk"; //调用该函数 开始安装 只能在 unity主线程调用 public static void StartInstallApk(string full_file_path) { #if UNITY_ANDROID NativeApi.InstallApk(full_file_path); #endif } public enum Status { None = 0,//未知 Error, // 下载错误 或者超时 Downloading, // 下载中 外部可以读取静态变量 来显示下载进度 Checking,// 处理 下载前逻辑中 Verifying, // 校验文件中 可能是下载前 可能是下载后 OK,//下载完成 可以开始执行安装操作了 } public class DownloadParam { public string url; public string path_to_save; public string file_name; public bool enable_break_point;//是否开启断点续传功能 public string md5;//md5 用于校验安装包的完整性 public bool IsRedirect = false;//是否是重定向 是重定向的话 会忽略 失败次数统计 } Thread t_download = null; public void Terminal() { if (t_download != null) { try { t_download.Abort(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } t_download = null; } CurrentSize = 0; TotalSize = 0; _Status = Status.None; } // 需要下载的大小 内部减去了 断点续传的 部分 public static int GetLeftSize(string path_to_save, string file_name, int total_size) { string full_path = path_to_save + "/" + file_name; if (File.Exists(full_path)) { var info = new FileInfo(full_path); if (info != null) { if (total_size < info.Length) { try { File.Delete(full_path); } catch (Exception e) { } return total_size; } else { return total_size - (int)info.Length; } } } return total_size; } //改变量只能在 unity主线程调用 public static string InstallRootDir { get { #if !UNITY_EDITOR return Application.persistentDataPath + "/Installer"; #else return "Installer"; #endif } } public void StartDownload(string url, string path_to_save, string file_name, string md5, bool enable_break_point = true) { if (t_download != null) { try { t_download.Abort(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } } t_download = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(ThreadFunc)); IsThreadRunning = true; DownloadParam _param = new DownloadParam { url = url, path_to_save = path_to_save, file_name = file_name, enable_break_point = enable_break_point, md5 = md5 }; try_times = 0; _Status = Status.Checking; t_download.Start(_param); } bool IsThreadRunning = false; public static Status _Status = Status.None; public int HttpRetCode = 0; public static int TotalSize = 0; // 总大小 public static int CurrentSize = 0; // 当前大小 可用于进度显示 int try_times = 0; private void DownloadOK() { _Status = Status.OK; //开始安装流程 调用native api 开始安装 Debug.LogWarning("download ok"); } private void ThreadFunc(object _param_call) { CurrentSize = 0; TotalSize = 0; Debug.LogWarning("start to download"); DownloadParam _param = _param_call as DownloadParam; if (_param == null) { IsThreadRunning = false; _Status = Status.Error; return; } if (_param.IsRedirect) { //重定向的话 不处理 失败 重试次数 _param.IsRedirect = false; } else { //重新下载 或者 分批下载 都会重试计次 ++try_times; } if (try_times > 10) { //fatal error or net error _Status = Status.Error; return; } try { _Status = Status.Verifying; if (File.Exists(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name)) { //文件存在的话 检查一下 是否成功 不成功的话 才开始下载 _Status = Status.Verifying; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_param.md5) == false && _param.md5 == Patches.MD5Code.GetMD5HashFromFile(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name)) { //ok _Status = Status.OK; this.DownloadOK(); return; } else { //md5 verify error 需要处理下载 (or断点下载) 下载完成后 才 再次校验 } } } catch (Exception e) { } _Status = Status.Checking; if (_param.enable_break_point == false) { //无需断点下载 尝试暴力删除文件 try { Directory.Delete(_param.path_to_save, true); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } } if (Directory.Exists(_param.path_to_save) == false) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(_param.path_to_save); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } } //先打开文件 Stream file = null; using (file = (File.Exists(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name)) ? File.OpenWrite(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name) : file = File.Create(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name)) { /* try { if (File.Exists(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name)) { file = File.OpenWrite(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name); } else { file = File.Create(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name); } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); }*/ try { long current_size = file.Length; if (current_size > 0) { file.Seek(current_size, SeekOrigin.Begin); } HttpWebRequest request = null; //如果是发送HTTPS请求 if (_param.url.StartsWith("https", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(CheckValidationResult); request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(_param.url); } else { request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(_param.url); } request.ProtocolVersion = new System.Version(1, 1); if (current_size > 0) { request.AddRange((int)current_size); CurrentSize = (int)current_size; } HttpWebResponse response = null; request.Timeout = 5000; request.ReadWriteTimeout = 5000; request.Method = "GET"; request.KeepAlive = false; response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); var HttpRetCode = response.StatusCode; Debug.Log("InstallDownloader http " + HttpRetCode); if (HttpRetCode == HttpStatusCode.Redirect) { //重定向 _param.url = response.Headers["Location"].Trim(); response.Close(); response = null; request.Abort(); request = null; try { file.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } Debug.Log("Redirect " + _param.url); _param.IsRedirect = true; ThreadFunc(_param); return; } else if (HttpRetCode == HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout || HttpRetCode == HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout) { //net error response.Close(); response = null; request.Abort(); request = null; try { file.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } Debug.Log("timeout"); return; } else if (HttpRetCode == HttpStatusCode.OK || HttpRetCode == HttpStatusCode.Created || HttpRetCode == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || HttpRetCode == HttpStatusCode.NonAuthoritativeInformation || HttpRetCode == HttpStatusCode.NoContent || HttpRetCode == HttpStatusCode.ResetContent || HttpRetCode == HttpStatusCode.PartialContent) { if (HttpRetCode != HttpStatusCode.PartialContent) { //如果不是断点下载 或者服务器不支持 那么需要 重新下载完整文件 try { file.Close(); file = null; } catch (Exception e) { } try { Directory.Delete(_param.path_to_save, true); } catch (Exception e) { } try { Directory.CreateDirectory(_param.path_to_save); } catch (Exception e) { } file = File.Create(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name); } } else { //req error response.Close(); response = null; request.Abort(); request = null; try { file.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } Debug.LogWarning("error"); return; } //web 请求处理完成了 开始处理 接受数据了 long total_len = response.ContentLength; TotalSize = (int)total_len + (int)current_size; if (current_size < TotalSize) { if (current_size > 0) { // request.AddRange((int)current_size); CurrentSize = (int)current_size; } Stream web = request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); byte[] _cache = new byte[10240]; // 10kb int down_size = 0; int read_size = web.Read(_cache, 0, 10240); int total_read_size = 0; _Status = Status.Downloading; while (read_size > 0) { _Status = Status.Downloading; file.Write(_cache, 0, read_size); total_read_size += read_size; down_size += read_size; CurrentSize += read_size; // Debug.LogError("download ing " + CurrentSize + " " + TotalSize); file.Flush(); read_size = web.Read(_cache, 0, 10240); } file.Close(); file = null; web.Close(); web = null; response.Close(); response = null; request.Abort(); request = null; if (current_size + down_size < TotalSize) { //下载文件 长度不够 需要重新下载 Debug.LogWarning("file is smaller will re-try"); ThreadFunc(_param); return; } else if (current_size + down_size > TotalSize) { //下载的长度 超过了 实际长度 文件已经损坏 重新下载把 try { Directory.Delete(_param.path_to_save, true); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } Debug.LogWarning("file is bigger will delete and re-download"); ThreadFunc(_param); return; } else { //下载文件成功 开始校验MD5 _Status = Status.Verifying; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_param.md5) == false && _param.md5 == Patches.MD5Code.GetMD5HashFromFile(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name)) { //ok } else { //md5 verify error 尝试重新下载 try { file.Close(); file = null; response.Close(); response = null; request.Abort(); request = null; } catch (Exception e) { } try { Directory.Delete(_param.path_to_save, true); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } ThreadFunc(_param); return; } _Status = Status.OK; } } else if (current_size == total_len) {//当前文件和 服务器文件大小一样 默认为 下载完成 需要校验MD5 try { file.Close(); file = null; response.Close(); response = null; request.Abort(); request = null; } catch (Exception e) { } Debug.LogWarning("file is req just done"); _Status = Status.Verifying; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_param.md5) == false && _param.md5 == Patches.MD5Code.GetMD5HashFromFile(_param.path_to_save + "/" + _param.file_name)) { //ok } else { //md5 verify error 尝试重新下载 try { file.Close(); file = null; response.Close(); response = null; request.Abort(); request = null; } catch (Exception e) { } try { Directory.Delete(_param.path_to_save, true); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } ThreadFunc(_param); return; } _Status = Status.OK; } else { //当前文件超过了 大小 需要重新下载 try { Directory.Delete(_param.path_to_save, true); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } Debug.LogWarning("file is bigger will delete and re-download 2"); try { file.Close(); file = null; response.Close(); response = null; request.Abort(); request = null; } catch (Exception e) { } ThreadFunc(_param); return; } //走到了这里 都当作文件下载成功 并且校验成功 可以开始安装了 _Status = Status.OK; this.DownloadOK(); } catch (Exception ee) { //整个下载流程出了异常错误 Debug.LogWarning(ee.Message); _Status = Status.Checking; try { if (file != null) { file.Close(); file = null; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogWarning(e.Message); } ThreadFunc(_param); return; } } } private static bool CheckValidationResult(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors) { return true; } } }