#include "mysql/mysql.h" #pragma comment(lib,"mysql/libmysql.lib") class SQLInterface { public: SQLInterface() { this->res = nullptr; this->mysql = nullptr; cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl; } ~SQLInterface() { cout << __FUNCTION__ << endl; } bool connect(string user, string pwd, string host, string db, int port) { mysql = new MYSQL; MYSQL_RES *result; MYSQL_ROW sql_row; int res; mysql_init(mysql); // if (!mysql)return false; if (!mysql_real_connect(mysql, host.c_str(), user.c_str(), pwd.c_str(), db.c_str(), port, NULL, 0)) { return false; } return true; } bool exec(string sql) { if (!mysql)return false; int res11 = mysql_query(this->mysql, sql.c_str());//查询 if (!res11) { MYSQL_RES * result = mysql_store_result(mysql); if (result) { this->res = result; } } else { cout << "query sql failed!" << endl; } return true; } int pushParams(lua_State*l, int count) { if (!mysql)return 0; int ret = 0; MYSQL_ROW row; while (row = mysql_fetch_row(res))//获取具体的数据 { int i = count; while (i) { char *str = row[--i]; lua_pushstring(l, str); ++ret; cout << str << " "; } cout << endl; // << " " << sql_row[2] << endl; } cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << endl; return ret; } void release() { if (res)mysql_free_result(res); if (mysql)mysql_close(mysql); } private: MYSQL *mysql ; MYSQL_RES *res ; }; int SQL_Script_Bridge(lua_State *l) { int top = lua_gettop(l); const char * host = lua_tostring(l, top - 6); int port = lua_tonumber(l, top - 5); const char * user = lua_tostring(l, top - 4); const char * pswd = lua_tostring(l, top - 3); const char * table = lua_tostring(l, top - 2); const char * sql = lua_tostring(l, top - 1); int count = lua_tonumber(l, top); cout << sql << count << endl; SQLInterface s; s.connect(user, pswd, host, table, port); s.exec(sql); int n = s.pushParams(l, count); return n; } int SQL_Script_create(lua_State*l) { void * user = lua_newuserdata(l, sizeof SQLInterface); SQLInterface* ins = (SQLInterface*)user; ins->SQLInterface::SQLInterface(); return 1; } int SQL_Script_connect(lua_State*l) { int top = lua_gettop(l); void * instance = lua_touserdata(l, top - 5); const char * host = lua_tostring(l, top - 4); int port = lua_tonumber(l, top - 3); const char * user = lua_tostring(l, top - 2); const char * pswd = lua_tostring(l, top - 1); const char * table = lua_tostring(l, top); SQLInterface* ins = (SQLInterface*)instance; bool ret = ins->connect(user, pswd, host, table, port); lua_pushboolean(l,ret); return 1; } int SQL_Script_execute(lua_State*l) { int top = lua_gettop(l); void * instance = lua_touserdata(l, top - 2); const char * sql = lua_tostring(l, top - 1); int row_count = lua_tonumber(l, top); SQLInterface* ins = (SQLInterface*)instance; ins->exec(sql); int n = ins->pushParams(l, row_count); return n; } int SQL_Script_release(lua_State*l) { int top = lua_gettop(l); void * instance = lua_touserdata(l, top); SQLInterface* ins = (SQLInterface*)instance; return 0; }
sql.lua,还可以添加一些参数 错误处理 来保证健壮性
local t={}; t.config=require("sql_config"); --exec the sql --return the res table which is one by one function t:exec(sql,row_count) local c=t.config; local t={ SQL_Script_Bridge( , c.port , c.user , c.pwd , c.db , sql,row_count)}; return t; end function t:create() return SQL_Script_create(); end function t:connect(ins) local c=t.config; local bool = SQL_Script_connect(ins, , c.port , c.user , c.pwd , c.db); end function t:release(ins) SQL_Script_release(ins); end function t:execute(ins,sql,col_count) local t={ SQL_Script_execute(ins, sql,col_count)}; return t; end return t;