
把具体的行为代码(移动,攻击)写在Enemy 里面,然后决策(仇恨)用FSM 状态机来做 AI状态 流程图   把流程图拆解为 几个状态后,编写以下代码 AIEnemy.cs /** Email: me@dreamyouxi.comusing FSM to peocess lite AI */using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;namespace AIEnemy{ public class FSMBase : GAObject { public Enemy host = null; public FSMMachine machine = null; public override void UpdateMS() { } public override void OnEnter() { } public override void OnExit() { } public override bool Init() { base.Init(); return true; } // —— helper function public void ChangeTo<T>() where T : FSMBase, new() { machine.ChangeTo<T>(); } } /// <summary> /// 锁定塔状态 /// 该状态下只会攻击塔 /// </summary> public class LockTower : FSMBase { public override void UpdateMS() { if (host.target == null) { this.ChangeTo<Free>(); } } public override void OnEnter() { host.bullet_atk1_info.AddHitTarget(host.target);//锁定只攻击 Tower } public override void OnExit() { } } /// <summary> /// 自由状态 /// 目标死亡 或者 刚出生 才会在该状态下 /// </summary> public class Free : FSMBase { public override void UpdateMS() { if (BuildingMgr.ins.GetBuildingsCount() > 0) { //存在塔 ArrayList list = HeroMgr.ins.GetHeros(); bool has_hero = false; if (list.Count > 0) { foreach (Hero h in list) { if (host.target_distance > h.ClaculateDistance(host)) {//范围内 有玩家 has_hero = true; break; } } } if (has_hero) // 仇恨范围内有玩家 {//锁定玩家攻击 if (host.AI_SearchNearestTarget(list, true)) ; { this.ChangeTo<LockHero>(); } } else // 仇恨范围内没有玩家,直接进入半锁定塔状态 { this.ChangeTo<LockHalfTowerBefore>(); } } else {//不存在塔,直接锁定最近玩家攻击 if (host.AI_SearchNearestTarget(HeroMgr.ins.GetHeros(), true)) { this.ChangeTo<LockHero>(); } else {//没有任何攻击目标 随机走动 if (Utils.random_frameMS.Next(0, 300) == 5 || dir == -1) { Terrain terrain = AppMgr.GetCurrentApp<BattleApp>().GetCurrentWorldMap().GetTerrain(); Vector2 to = new Vector2(Utils.random_frameMS.Next((int)(terrain.limit_x_left * 1000), (int)(terrain.limit_x_right * 1000)) / 1000f, Utils.random_frameMS.Next((int)(terrain.limit_z_down * 1000), (int)(terrain.limit_z_up * 1000)) / 1000f); dir = (int)Utils.GetAngle(host.pos, to); } host.dir = dir;// Utils.random_frameMS.Next(0, 361); } } } public override void OnEnter() { if (host != null) {//目标没死 host.bullet_atk1_info.hit_targets.Clear();//清空目标 } } public override void OnExit() { } private int dir = -1; } /// <summary> /// 半锁定塔 状态后 /// 在该状态下 只有被玩家攻击才会 攻击玩家 否则 一直攻击塔 /// </summary> public class LockHalfTowerAfter : FSMBase { public override void UpdateMS() { if (host.target == null || host == null) {//如果塔 失效 ChangeTo<Free>(); return; } } public override void OnEnter() { } public override void OnDispose() { EventDispatcher.ins.RemoveEventListener(this, Events.ID_BATTLE_ENTITY_BEFORE_TAKEATTACKED); } public override void OnExit() { } public override void OnEvent(int type, object userData) { if (this.IsInValid()) return; if (type == Events.ID_BATTLE_ENTITY_BEFORE_TAKEATTACKED) { AttackInfo info = userData as AttackInfo; if (info.target as Enemy != host) return; {//已经命中 塔 后 被攻击 会切换,在搜索阶段 被命中 也会进入锁定hero //自己被命中 if (info.ownner.IsMaxTarget() == false) { host.target = info.ownner; machine.ChangeTo<LockHero>(); } } } } public override bool Init() { base.Init(); EventDispatcher.ins.AddEventListener(this, Events.ID_BATTLE_ENTITY_BEFORE_TAKEATTACKED); return true; } } /// <summary> /// 半锁定塔 命中前, /// 该状态 下 仇恨指向 塔 但未命中塔 在此期间 如果范围内 有玩家 会更改为锁定玩家攻击 /// </summary> public class LockHalfTowerBefore : FSMBase { public override void UpdateMS() { if (has_find)//已找到塔 { if (has_shoot == false) { //发起攻击 塔 if (host.target == null || host == null) { ChangeTo<Free>(); return; } this.Shoot(); } } else { if (host.AI_SearchNearestTarget(BuildingMgr.ins.GetBuildings(), false))//寻找最近的建筑作为目标 {//找到 目标 has_find = true; } else {//搜索失败 ,进入Free machine.ChangeTo<Free>(); return; } } //在此期间如果仇恨范围内有玩家,那么切换仇恨为玩家 ArrayList list = HeroMgr.ins.GetHeros(); bool has_hero = false; if (list.Count > 0) { foreach (Hero h in list) { if (host.target_distance > h.ClaculateDistance(host)) {//范围内 有玩家 has_hero = true; break; } } } if (has_hero) // 仇恨范围内有玩家 {//锁定玩家攻击 if (host.AI_SearchNearestTarget(list, true)) ; { this.ChangeTo<LockHero>(); return; } } } public override void OnEnter() { has_shoot = false; has_find = false; } public override void OnExit() { if (info_backup != null) { host.bullet_atk1_info = info_backup; info_backup = null; } } private void Shoot() { info_backup = host.bullet_atk1_info; // host.atk = true; BulletConfigInfo info = BulletConfigInfo.Create(); info.AddHitTarget(host.target); info.plistAnimation = “”; info.distance = 0.2f; info.distance_atk = 1f; info.number = 1; info.collider_size = new Vector3(2f, 2f, 2f); info.AddHitTarget(host.target); info._OnTakeAttack = (Bullet bullet, object userData) => { //命中后 ChangeTo<LockHalfTowerAfter>(); }; has_shoot = true; host.bullet_atk1_info = info; } public override bool Init() { base.Init(); return true; } private BulletConfigInfo info_backup = null; private bool has_shoot = false; private bool has_find = false; } /// <summary> /// 锁定玩家状态 /// 该状态只会攻击玩家 直到 玩家死亡 /// </summary> public class LockHero : FSMBase { public override void UpdateMS() { if (host.target == null) { this.ChangeTo<Free>(); } } public override void OnEnter() { host.bullet_atk1_info.AddHitTarget(host.target);//锁定只攻击 Hero } public override void OnExit() { } } /// <summary> /// FSM 状态机 /// </summary> public class FSMMachine : GAObject { public override void UpdateMS() { if (host.ai_type != AIEnemyType.FSM) return; if (pause) return; if (current_fsm != null) { current_fsm.UpdateMS(); // Debug.Log(“FSM: ” + current_fsm.GetType().ToString()); } } public override void OnEnter() { } public override void OnExit() { } public override bool Init() { base.Init(); current_fsm = Utils.Create<Free>(); current_fsm.machine = this; current_fsm.host = host; current_fsm.Init(); return true; } public void ChangeTo(FSMBase fsm) { if (current_fsm != null) { current_fsm.OnExit(); current_fsm.LazyDispose(); } fsm.host = host; fsm.machine = this; fsm.OnEnter(); current_fsm = fsm; } public void ChangeTo<T>() where T : FSMBase, new() { FSMBase fsm = Utils.Create<T>(); fsm.Init(); this.ChangeTo(fsm); } public void Pause() { pause = true; } public void Resume() { pause = false; } public bool IsPause() { return pause; } private bool pause = false; FSMBase current_fsm = null; public Enemy host = null; }} 下篇,为行为树 源代码:https://git.oschina.net/dreamyouxi/XYGame
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