#include "ScriptCore.h" #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include "Defs.h" #include <mutex> using namespace std; static std::mutex _script_mutex; std::string ScriptCore::exec(std::string file, std::string param) { /// std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(_script_mutex); // luaL_dostring(l, "print(\" hello lua\")"); // return "HttpHandler"; int top = lua_gettop(l); lua_getglobal(l, "HttpHandler"); // get Interface in lua //parse param , as "name=5" will be push int p,len = 0; vector<string> params; do { p = param.find("&"); if (p == string::npos) { params.push_back(param); break; } else { string sub = param.substr(len, p); param = param.substr(p + 1, -1); params.push_back(sub); } } while (true); //push param to stack lua_pushstring(l,file.c_str()); for (auto &s : params) { lua_pushstring(l, s.c_str()); } lua_call(l, params.size()+1, 1); std::string ret = lua_tostring(l, lua_gettop(l)); // lua_pop(l, 1); lua_settop(l, top); return ret; return "ScriptCore.h"; } ScriptCore::ScriptCore() { this->initLua(); } ScriptCore::~ScriptCore() { lua_close(l); } ScriptCore* ScriptCore::getInstance() { static ScriptCore*ins = nullptr; if (ins == nullptr) { ins = new ScriptCore; } return ins; } void ScriptCore::initLua() { l = lua_open(); luaL_openlibs(l); luaL_dofile(l, "HttpHandler.lua"); }
服务配置文件 server_config.lua
--配置服务类型和关联的lua script local t={}; t["get"]="script/get"; t["login"]="script/login"; t["MsgBoard"]="script/MsgBoard"; return t;
local t={}; function t:doRequest(p) return " login succ " .. p["name"] end return t;
这样就能用lua 像用 php jsp 之类的来写动态网页了,实现自己的http服务,
当然还要提供一些C++接口给lua 比如SQL 等服务